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Friday, January 23, 2009

MODERN CULTURE Maritime; an alternative CULTURE CONCEPT FOR INDONESIA in the 21st century


The failure of the author's philosophy of culture present paper entitled "Concept Formulation Indonesian culture well, make keterpukulan own. Some of the critical responses, lack of synchronization between the title with a discussion of the paper, the study is too antropologis-sociological-historical, the paper is more suitable given the title of "Cultural Phenomena Indonesia." So the need for the author to design and produce the paper a new, more philosophical and specific language. Finally, after study, the author find new ideas that are still continuing the papers first. This paper gave the author the title "Modern Maritime Culture; An Alternative Concept of Culture for Brazil in the 21 Century."

In the earlier paper (Culture Concept Formulation Indonesia), has length paparkan author about the culture, national culture of Indonesia, the root of the Indonesian culture, inclusion of western culture in Indonesia, the Indonesian culture today, the challenge of culture and the steps toward civilization Indonesia . Because the two papers is not the first to drop out of the paper, the author of this opportunity to focus the formulation of cultural author bids. This analysis of the strategy to take van Peursen culture, a philosophy of academics Dutch nationality.


a. Culture concept van Peursen

The wealth and diversity of human cultural history is very difficult to be described fully. But, according to van Peursen, the history of mankind can we pilah into 3 phases, namely:

* Phase Mitis, the attitude of people feel themselves besieged by unseen forces in the surrounding areas.
* Phase Ontologis, the attitude of people no longer live in the siege of mitis strength, but want to freely examine all things.
* The Functional, the attitude and the nature of mind is not so stunned again by the environment (attitudes mitis), it is no longer with the cold distance of the object taken penyelidikannya (ontologis attitude), he would like to make new relationships, relationships, a new kebertautan against everything in the environment (Peursen, 1976; 18).

Some aspects of the functional characteristics of the stages described by van peursen people are looking for relationships between all areas, meaning a word or an act of goods and is seen by the role or function that is played each other in the entire mesh.

Inelasticity be typical. Human mortgage itself, lead to self or others to a life with all the passion and emotion-emosinya. Eksistensiil attitude is typical for the functional phase: the search for relationships, relationships, kebertalian as penganti for distance and objectives.

In respect of nature and society, self-directing people to the surrounding world, the people involved to fill out the meaning of the world. Human development of the active mix of nature and history. In respect of employment and organizations, work is no longer seen as an object, a kind of substance that can be traded. Working is a way to give content to our existence as human beings, our humanity to make something clear, if not, then the work is to be empty, without meaning, and can not be justified. Financial result of the work, income is seen as one of the factors factor-factor with the other. That determine how the man is in the overall work with the full meaning or not.

In respect of the role of knowledge, people want to increase knowledge. The point is that there? This means, the way things appeared to us, how we can take the goods, the functions that can be run. In respect of culture, culture is the way people express themselves, how he mecari relations, the right-relationship with the surrounding world. In respect of God, God diketengahkan questions about the functional; how God can dikongkritkan in the day-to-day relationship Peursen, 1976, 85-117).

b. The concept of Maritime Culture

Base on the history of Indonesia that have been the two kingdoms of Sriwijaya and Majapahit preach to us that they are progressing as a country not as a State Maritime Agraris. View from the geographic, Indonesia has a sea of 2 / 3 of the overall area of Indonesia. Then the views of the functional by the dikemukan van Peursen, authors take a conclusion that the right maritimlah culture in the development of the Indonesian culture.
At the top was the author of kemukakan discrete functional stage. Author view this concept during the Indonesian culture disetting with the agrarian culture that cendrung glued on the nature and strength of adikodrati, very feodalistik, and divide the community in the strata-level power-kekayaaan. But this culture has been successfully used by the occupation had mengcengkramkan feet in this country. We serve as the nation's slaves, the coolie, the labor that readers can understand from the papers first.

Therefore, the author saw the paradigm we need to change our culture to the concept of maritime culture. Related to the above functional before, I can say a lot of similarities with the point maritime culture.

Maritime kemukakan the author is not in the meaning "sea" as the meaning of the word passive, but more than that. Author menyandarkannya the word modern. The author with a sense of modern maritime culture is culture with the spirit of transparency, independence, and courage in facing the modern era with the spaciousness and ingenuity sea.

Is an attitude of openness want to open themselves to the changes of time and other values that enter or get it. As we know by call on regional maritime various ethnic and nations that brings with it a different nilai-nilai/budaya. People often also the maritime sea to sail to another country, and there they interact and communicate with the local nations. Many new things that they encountered. Of maritime community is when he wants to respect the cultures and other nations often make innovative adaptation of other cultures to strengthen the culture. In the context of the age now where it is said the world as global village, a meeting between the nation's culture is very easy and fast then this attitude is very much needed in the association among the people who inhabit the world.

Concerned with this case, the attitude is a self-protective fences for maritime nation. Trade is the main search maritime community. Modern maritime culture that we want to achieve is to try to release kunkungan consumerism, a nation that is only as of the goods made in other people. This collaborative effort with the control of the market with the creation of production in the country. Agrarian nature of the Indonesian people that the majority of farmers can be empowered in this context. Agriculture and industry developed, modern, not only goods but raw production to finished. So this product is distributed by traders to the entire world through negotiation and reaching capacity throughout other nation / transportation capability.

Courage to be typical of the maritime community. When sailing many natural obstacles found. Storm waves, keterasingan in the middle of the sea, pirate / pirate, and the threat of sea animals to become a regular thing. But the challenge is so heavy compared to manage agriculture. So that the community is a maritime nation in the psychological brave. They did not want a subdued nature, but are trying with nature. Natural phenomena as they learn and as a bookmark in the sail. Related to the relationship with the superior strength kodrati, they fully trust. Because of the existence of God in fungsionalnya they felt in their gambaraan in the sea. Religuslitas not so lost in themselves.

Departing from the analysis that the author believes the concept of maritime culture can be a solution for the cultural strategy in the era of Indonesia has entered the phase of fungsionalistik today.


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